These days, it is hard to imagine normal functioning without a working car, especially if you commute to work or take your children to school every day. The institution of a replacement car is therefore of great importance, for example, if your car is damaged in a road accident. When are you entitled to a replacement car from the perpetrator’s third party liability insurance ? As the name suggests, if you were not the cause of the accident, you can apply for a replacement car from the perpetrator’s third party liability insurance, regardless of whether your car was used privately or for business purposes. It is worth remembering, however, that there may be several exceptions to this rule – the insurance company may refuse to finance a replacement car, for example, if you have another car that you can use in the same way or you used the car very rarely on a daily basis. Remember that when renting a car from the perpetrator’s third party liability insurance, you must choose a car of the same (or lower) class as the damaged car.

What are the consequences of damage to the replacement car?

Regardless of whether you decide to rent a replacement car with the perpetrator’s third party liability insurance using the insurer’s fleet or the offer of the workshop that repairs your car (an alternative is also a car rental with third party liability insurance ), you must first carefully analyze all the conditions of renting the vehicle. Always read the rental agreement and do not sign it if you do not understand any of the provisions – in such a situation, ask for their explanation first. What if the replacement car is damaged, for example, in the parking lot? First, before you sign the rental agreement, check carefully whether and how you are liable for any damage to the replacement car, also in a situation where the damage was not your fault, for example, if an unidentified person breaks the car’s mirror or scratches the bodywork. This is very important – you must consciously decide on the proposed conditions. In addition, before you start using the car, check what you must do first if damage occurs to the replacement car. It is very possible that the party renting you the car will require you to take specific steps. Knowledge of similar expectations will allow you to react appropriately. Moreover, carefully study the company regulations, in points regarding the rental of a replacement car, whose services you use.

Damaged replacement car: what to do?

It happened, I damaged the replacement car, what next? Don’t worry! Take a look at the signed rental agreement and the regulations of the company renting the car and check whether and for what damage to the replacement vehicle you are liable and for what amount the liability rests on your shoulders. The relevant provisions of the agreement will regulate the procedure in a situation where your replacement car is damaged. Again, we remind you that the issue of liability for damages should be checked by you very carefully before signing the agreement. Another important moment is the collection of the replacement car. Before you start using the vehicle, in the presence of the employee from whom you are collecting the car, try to check its condition thoroughly and locate all possible damage. Make sure that every, even the smallest damage, will be specified in the rental documents you sign. LET’S SUMMARY ! If you have decided to rent a replacement car, you need to know what happens in the event of damage to the car, due to your fault or the fault of another person. Always carefully read the signed agreement and the regulations of the company whose services you decide to use. Check if and what your liability is in the event of damage, and if you don’t understand something – ask! In addition, also pay attention to what the requirements of the car rental company are regarding your conduct when damage occurs. Check if and in which cases the company will require immediate calling of the police, etc.