Vehicle description

The saloon. Now also in the A-Class. One of the most classic car designs is now among the most modern. The new A-Class Saloon interprets the three-box design more sportily than ever before. The car is available in Group C+.

paliwo Gas
skrzynia Automatic
drzwi 5
ilosc_osob 5
Price list for: Group C+
Price for 1 - 4 days
229.00 PLN
Price for 5 - 14 days
209.00 PLN
Price for 15 - 29 days
189.00 PLN
Price for 30+ days
169.00 PLN
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Dolcar Woźniczka Sp. K
street Poznańska 84, 05-850 Jawczyce / Warszawa
NIP: 5223080808,
REGON: 36627449

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+48 600 975 414